What about girls?

Hack to develop your boy's "don't mess with me vibes"

Jun 12, 2023

Having a strong sense of identity and worth is essential for standing up for yourself. Knowing your strengths, even if they are not the typical ones that get measured on a school report card or sports field, can make you feel like a valuable person.

This confidence can help your boy carry himself differently, speak differently, and be less sensitive or negative. It can also give off the impression that he's not someone to be messed with. 



Hack: Help your boy stand up for himself the first one is about building his identity on what he can do rather than what he can't do. You might be wondering what strengths have to do with standing up for yourself. Well, it's a lot easier to stand up for yourself if you believe you are worthy. Every person, including your boy, including you, desperately needs to know that they are good at something. This is especially the case if your boy's strengths are not really obvious ones that get measured on the school report card or on the sporting field. Knowing your strengths, that you're good at something, or lots of things, makes you feel like a worthwhile person. And when you feel like you're a worthwhile person, you carry yourself differently. You speak differently. You perceive things differently. You're not so sensitive or so negative. You give off vibes that you're not someone to be messed with.

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